Posted on / by Rajlakshmi Das / in Thoughts

Towards the Ordinaries

Day to day things, the ordinary, the mundane are what keeps the motor running. How extraordinary the ordinary really is, a tool we all use to keep going. A template for sanity

-Cecelia Ahern

Yet the ordinary is taken for granted. Absorbed in its certainty, we rarely or never fathom what its absence would entail. Analogous to the salt blended in food, the air surrounding our being. Existing perennially, synthesized till their existence becomes invisible. Perhaps, sometimes, an unprecedented event catalyzes the realization to seep in. Shaking us from our roots, bringing us face to face to the reality that passes by as mundane. Some taken for granted, ordinary experiences could be


Effective and healthy communication entails good listening! Listening is an art that is hard to master especially when all one wants to do is express themselves. But it is important to understand that without listening there is no communication. Listening shows that we are paying attention to the thoughts, feelings, behaviours, silences of the other person or our partner. Listening to the beats and rhythms, rain and wind, music and melody, words and silences-every sound, and every stillness we may be experiencing.


If these trying times of the pandemic have shown us something, it is the importance of communication. Keeping in touch with your friends and community as much as possible, helps one to stay calm amidst all the chaos. It provides a space to express and understand. Healthy communication not only helps keep the relationship active, but also proper communication of feelings and thoughts becomes a must, especially in these trying times.


Who would have thought that masks would become an essential extension of our life. We never really paid attention to our breaths, that keeps us going, rarely given a thought. Its importance has been now felt in unprecedented ways. Humble in its existence, it is a powerful mechanism that not only sustains us, but enhances our capacity to deal with challenging situations. Long, deep inhales and exhales go a long to calm our bodies. Ordinary but powerful 

Human Touch:

Skin-to-skin contact is vital not only for mental and emotional health but physical health, too. Something that requires, now, perennial thoughts to engage in. When we feel snowed under or pressured, the body releases the stress hormone cortisol. Touch can reduce such stress and allow our body to work the way it should. Gentle touch can also reduce both pain and feelings of social exclusion. An experience long been assumed ordinary has established itself most extraordinarily


The easiest thing to give up at times when our work and life becomes difficult. Sometimes the value is felt in the most uninvited moments. Nonetheless, its deprivation can leave us feeling irritable and exhausted not only in the short-term, but can also have serious long-term health consequences. A good night’s sleep is sometimes the cure to a lot of your problems and stress.


A little space of unconditional energy and enthusiasm. A space again where children and adults can experience indiscriminately. The space outside the home has been compromised, a part of childhood is somehow denied. In these circumstances, how else do we create this space for play and innocence?   


An act that is often forgotten, taken for granted. For the food we eat, the shelter that protects, the comfort from our loved ones we share. Expressing gratitude has been proven to improve our mood. People who regularly express gratitude are shown to be happier and generally more optimistic.


The support of family and friends have been considered to be of the essence in tiring times. These relations have been more often taken for granted because they are always conveniently available. This convenience has been challenged in the last few months. We trying to be grateful again to our special stars, who stay together despite flaws. We’re trying to acknowledge their presence in our lives


There is a loss and discovery of closeness. Some are floating in between. The closeness of humans, in a physiological, emotional, and romantic sphere is a given ordeal. Longings for hugs and warmth have now a newfound nostalgia, It had before, it still does. We would only say, remember to hug your beloved today or wish a morning kiss. Treasure the closeness.

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