Posted on / by Rajlakshmi Das / in Education, Therapy

Questions members of the LGBTQIA+ community can ask before starting Therapy

Questions can become overwhelming sometimes when we just conjure the right strength and prepare ourselves to seek a Therapist. But how do we determine whether they are the right fit for us? Although building trust and ease in the presence of our therapist may take a good while, we can always ask them a few Questions during the Consultation to check our compatibility. Finding the right therapist, in general, is a difficulty. For a member of the LBGTQIA+ community, this could be an additional hurdle to seek mental health.

Questions that align with our needs, expectations, and goals can go a long way to facilitate the process of finding and determining the cultural competency, and comfortability with the therapist.

Apart from the Questions we have elaborated in Questions to ask Before we start Therapy, members of the LGBTQIA+ Community may ask other relevant questions to determine the cultural competency and comfortability with their therapists. A few of them could be:

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